Help needed with finding dialogue texts for the game "Home Sweet Home"

How to translate the files of a game
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Help needed with finding dialogue texts for the game "Home Sweet Home"

Post by aisopos »

I'm trying to localize a steam horror game called "Home Sweet Home", which seems to have been made with Unreal Engine 4.

I had ZERO knowledge or skills regarding programming or localization so I spent ages trying to figure things out by searching the internet,
and I was finally able to learn how to :
1) unpack a pak file using UnrealPakTool
2) locate an English locres file inside one of the unpacked folders (pakchunk0\HomeSweetHome\Content\Localization\HSH\en\HSH.locres)
3) extract texts from the locres file using UnrealLocres

However, the locres file only contains texts for things such as item descriptions or newspapers, and the texts for dialogues or speeches are all missing.
And I cannot find any other suspicious looking locres file that might contain the texts for dialogues.

Could someone be so kind enough as to
1) help me locate where the dialogue texts are
2) and if the file is NOT a locres file, how to extract the untranslated texts from the file and import the translated texts back into the file?

EDIT : I managed to find what is the number one suspect at the moment, which is a file called DT_SubtitleRaw.uexp.
The problem is, none of the tools I could find online or was suggested are able to open uexp files (although stated otherwise), and can only open uasset files.
Now that I've potentially narrowed down my suspect, could someone be so kind enough as to guide me how to open/edit an uexp extension file? (with what tool, how to export and reimport edited texts, or simply edit the texts on the fly with an editor if possible)
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Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:19 pm

Re: Help needed with finding dialogue texts for the game "Home Sweet Home"

Post by rico555 »


edit, and copy it next to HSH.locres.