Can I use QuickBMS to parse structs?

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Can I use QuickBMS to parse structs?

Post by crushedice2000 »

Hi! I have a raw binary file from a closed source program and I want to parse it. Is QuickBMS the right tool for this?

Example of file (hexdump):

Code: Select all

0000000: 5244 4649 4c45 5645 5231 2e30 7c37 aaaa  RDFILEVER1.0|7..
0000010: aaff aaff ccdd eeff 00                   .........

Example of output:

Code: Select all

TYPE (String): RD FILE
VERSION (String): 1.0
FILL (String): |
BIG NUMBER (Unsigned 32Bit Integer): 2863311415

Really I don't want the output as that silly example. Only to export it as json or preprocess it directly in the bms program.
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Re: Can I use QuickBMS to parse structs?

Post by aluigi »

Regarding the script, quickbms supports the C structs so you don't have to write it in bms language (at least not all), for example:

Code: Select all

unsigned char header[10];
int files;
int dummy[3]
is the same of

Code: Select all

getdstring header 10
get files long
getdstring dummy 12

Instead regarding the visualization of the collected information, you can use the -V option but the output is just the one of quickbms so can't be reused in other applications (that maybe support xml, json or others).

Example of -V obtained from the first script running on itself:

Code: Select all

. 00000000 getdstr header     "unsigned c" 10
    75 6e 73 69 67 6e 65 64 20 63                     unsigned c
. 0000000a get     files      0x20726168 4
. 0000000e getdstr dummy      "" 12
    68 65 61 64 65 72 5b 31 30 5d 3b 0d               header[10];.
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Re: Can I use QuickBMS to parse structs?

Post by crushedice2000 »

Thanks! Now I'm trying this code:

Code: Select all

getdstring header 12
getdstring splitter 1
get files long

print "\n%header%\n%files%\n"

How can I get a unsigned long?

I'm getting -1431655881 instead of 2863311415.

Also, can I do something like this?

Code: Select all

if files == 1234567:
    files = "COMMAND1"
else if files == 12345678:
    files = "COMMAND2"
    files = "COMMAND3"
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Re: Can I use QuickBMS to parse structs?

Post by aluigi »

The Print command supports only the signed and hexadecimal output by adding a |x after the name of the variable:
print "\n%header%\n%files|x%\n"

Regarding the other request, try something like:

Code: Select all

if files == 1234567
    set files string "COMMAND1"
else if files == 12345678
    set files string "COMMAND2"
    set files string "COMMAND3"
You can even use a '=' instead of 'string' or just omitting it at all.