Code: Select all
"Tools\quickbms.exe" "Tools\scripts\" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dead by Daylight\DeadByDaylight\Content\Paks\pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak" "Files\decoding"
How can I introduce in the code that the INPUT is 2 files, the following?
pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak and pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak
And to finish, you can also help me how a more complete code would be in CDM (BAT FILE)
Code: Select all
FOR /R %%f IN (pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak, pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak) DO ("Tools\quickbms.exe" "Tools\scripts\unreal_tournament_4_0.4.27" "Files\decoding")
I know that this code does NOT work, I have tried it and it gives me an error, I suppose someone from the forum can help me! :3