Extracting .STR just makes a file

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:19 pm

Extracting .STR just makes a file

Post by Trashatron »

Hello. I used the script from viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14654&hilit=Transformers to extract the models and textures from the Revenge of the Fallen DLC from PS3. All it gave me is a file.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1no6KiV ... sp=sharing

How do I use it? What tool do I open it with?
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Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:41 am

Re: Extracting .STR just makes a file

Post by Ubata »

I am stuck on the same thing... the file, when opened in a Text Docu, shows more readable text, and like textures of characters if you are trying out with a character .str

but nothing more... how do I extract it so I can make something that Noesis can read?