Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch) *.CTEX/*.TXTR

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch) *.CTEX/*.TXTR

Post by LolHacksRule »

I started to datamine the Nintendo Switch version of the game, unlike the Wii U original, the textures are in a different format and use zlib compression instead of LZSS. Upon randomly trying formats on the uncompressed files with the given data from the raw texture chunks, I eventually found out the majority are in certain ASTC formats but console swizzled which is known but most tools only support a single swizzle format or not all ASTC formats. RTB made a script to convert the Wii U formats to GTX for easy conversion but nothing similar for Switch. The uncompressed textures I'm trying to view are uploaded here (names are recovered from the archive string table). Any other advice on viewing them? Thanks.
Posts: 865
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:41 am

Re: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch) *.CTEX/*.TXTR

Post by LolHacksRule »

Here are some attempts I tried opening the splash screen.