Opening scientific binary files

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Opening scientific binary files

Post by SteffenB »

I want to decipher a scientific binary file (an instrument saves the data in this proprietary binary file) and know it is OLE2 compound document storage. I can access the files in that storage and can write those to file.
When I debug the vendor executable file that the instrument vendor uses.., I see the strings unCompress, implode, which makes me think it is compressed. Also the filesize of the individual files in the storage is 7kB although I would it expect to be 14kB.
I know the content of the individual files, the vendor executable, can supply it and I can format it into .csv.

Then I used quickBMS and comtype_scan.... and get 100 of files. I write some .py scrips so search for the content that I know, but ... no success (otherwise I would not have written to the this message board)

What do I do wrong?

I have put everything up on github, for easy linking (
- FS1.mss the compound document storage
- Specimen_cukxxwvnejp_RawData.... : one of the individual files in that storage
- 2_FS1.csv (the content that should be hidden in the files. Column "TimeOnSample" which runs from -211....301

Any help would be great! Thank you