Help parsing CLIP STUDIO PAINT's .cs3o 3D model file

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Help parsing CLIP STUDIO PAINT's .cs3o 3D model file

Post by xzixiy »

Hello, I want to write a QuickBMS script to convert a CLIP STUDIO PAINT .cs3o 3D model to something like an .obj. CSP uses a proprietary format as far as I can tell with no documentation anywhere.

I'd like to do this because there are many architecture models that are only available on the CSP marketplace that would be amazing to use in Blender and other programs.

When you open the file in a hex editor it has some SQLite 3 stuff, I think this is for putting the model into CSP's Material browser/the user's database for use in CSP. It looks like this:


If you scroll down further you get this which I'm guessing is the model data:


I don't really know where to start with parsing this so I figured I'd post here to see if it looks familiar to anyone. I've tried using the QuickBMS search with no luck, though some SQLite parsers did work but wasn't really useful.

It will hopefully be fairly simple because all I care about is the mesh data, vertices, normal, indices, etc. No need for UVs or bones or weights.

I've attached a sample file below, I changed the extension to .bin because the forum said .cs3o wasn't allowed.

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Joined: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:32 am

Re: Help parsing CLIP STUDIO PAINT's .cs3o 3D model file

Post by loleklolek8854 »