Disgaea 5 [amn*.dat] files

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Disgaea 5 [amn*.dat] files

Post by wermax »

Hello! I'm having some trouble trying to convert/view this this anm*.dat files like "anm00020.dat" from the ANM_HI_JP.dat and ANM_HI_EN.dat, it was a .lzs, but I successfully converted it to .dat thanks to Aluigi's http://aluigi.altervista.org/bms/nispack.bms also tried https://github.com/xdanieldzd/Scarlet and it's working as well.

So, it looks like a 2D animation file according to this project I found on Github: https://github.com/xdanieldzd/NisAnim.
I tried to compile it, but it's giving a bunch of errors.

Well, can someone make a .bms script that convert it to an image or texture file? I already checked the whole forum, tried a lot of scripts, but unfortunately none is working. I will upload some samples. Thank you!