Can it be updated clash

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

It's been a month since CR was decrypted, and I've been looking for a replacement.
At present, the decompressed BMS will cause some of the intermediate content to be empty and some to exist, which makes the data incomplete.
Just yesterday, I found this, and it's available for personal testing.
The link is as follows:
I hope the moderator can get some help by referring to this.
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Re: Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Re: Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

Attach commissioning results.

This is an old version.

Code: Select all

- set output folder G:\Supercell\fi_cr3.2803.4
             >set quickbms_output_folder (4) to "G:\Supercell\fi_cr3.2803.4"

  offset   filesize   filename
             .start_bms start: -1 0 0/0

00000000 06  4   get NAME basename
             >set NAME (8) to "ui_tex1"

00000000 06  5   get EXT extension
             >set EXT (9) to "sc"

00000000 14  7   if EXT == "csv"
             <get EXT (9) "sc"
             <get EXT (9) "sc"
- variable "csv" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get csv (10) "csv"
             condition == is not met
             .start_bms start: 3 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 3 1 0/0 (ret 12)

00000000 1b  19  endian big
  endianess changed to big endian

00000000 09  20  idstring "SC"

00000002 06  21  get VER long
             >set VER (17) to 0x00000004

00000006 14  22  if VER >= 4
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             condition >= is met
             .start_bms start: 17 0 0/0

00000006 06  23  get DUMMY long # 1
             >set DUMMY (19) to 0x00000001

0000000a 17  24  endif
             .start_bms end: 17 0 0/0 (ret 18)

0000000a 06  25  get DUMMYSZ long
             >set DUMMYSZ (20) to 0x00000010

0000000e 07  26  getdstring DUMMY DUMMYSZ
             <get DUMMYSZ (20) 0x00000010
             <get DUMMYSZ (20) 0x00000010
             >set DUMMY (19) to uv?QUA"

0000001e 06  27  get SIZE asize
             >set SIZE (13) to 0x00b19eb0

0000001e 1b  28  endian little
  endianess changed to little endian

0000001e 0f  30  savepos OFFSET
             >set OFFSET (14) to 0x0000001e

0000001e 07  31  getdstring SIGN 4
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             >set SIGN (21) to "]"

00000022 08  32  goto OFFSET
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e

0000001e 06  33  get SIGN32 long
             >set SIGN32 (22) to 0x0400005d

00000022 0c  35  math XSIZE = -1
- variable "XSIZE" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get XSIZE (23) "XSIZE"
             <get -1 (24) 0xffffffff
             >set XSIZE (23) to 0xffffffff

00000022 14  36  if SIGN == "SCLZ"
             <get SIGN (21) "]"
             <get SIGN (21) "]"
- variable "SCLZ" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get SCLZ (25) "SCLZ"
             condition == is not met
             .start_bms start: 29 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 29 1 0/0 (ret 31)
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0x0400005d
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0x0400005d
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0x0400005d
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             condition == is not met
             .start_bms start: 33 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 33 1 0/0 (ret 35)
             .start_bms start: 37 0 0/0

00000022 08  43  goto OFFSET
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e

0000001e 07  44  getdstring LZMA_PROP 5
             <get 5 (12) 0x00000005
             <get 5 (12) 0x00000005
             >set LZMA_PROP (28) to "]"

00000023 19  45  comtype lzma_0 LZMA_PROP
             <get LZMA_PROP (28) "]"
             <get LZMA_PROP (28) "]"
             <get LZMA_PROP (28) "]"
             >set QUICKBMS_COMTYPE (30) to "LZMA_0"

00000023 17  46  endif
             .start_bms end: 37 0 0/0 (ret 40)

00000023 14  48  if XSIZE < 0
             <get XSIZE (23) 0xffffffff
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             <get XSIZE (23) 0xffffffff
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             <get XSIZE (23) 0xffffffff
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             condition < is met
             .start_bms start: 42 0 0/0

00000023 06  49  get XSIZE long
             >set XSIZE (23) to 0x0619b53d

00000027 0f  50  savepos OFFSET
             >set OFFSET (14) to 0x00000027

00000027 17  51  endif
             .start_bms end: 42 0 0/0 (ret 44)

00000027 0c  52  math SIZE - OFFSET
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00b19eb0
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x00000027
             >set SIZE (13) to 0x00b19e89

00000027 01  53  clog NAME OFFSET SIZE XSIZE
             <get NAME (8) "ui_tex1"
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x00000027
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00b19e89
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x0619b53d
  00000027 102348093  ui_tex1
- xfopen  rb: ui_tex1
- xfopen2 G:\Supercell\fi_cr3.2803.4\ui_tex1
- xfopen  wb: ui_tex1
- xfopen2 G:\Supercell\fi_cr3.2803.4\ui_tex1

- 1 files found in 1 seconds
  coverage file 0   100%   11640504   11640496   . offset 00000027

This is a new version. The data cannot execute the goto instruction.

Code: Select all

- set output folder G:\Supercell\87779
             >set quickbms_output_folder (4) to "G:\Supercell\87779"

  offset   filesize   filename
             .start_bms start: -1 0 0/0

00000000 06  4   get NAME basename
             >set NAME (8) to "ui_tex"

00000000 06  5   get EXT extension
             >set EXT (9) to "sc"

00000000 14  7   if EXT == "csv"
             <get EXT (9) "sc"
             <get EXT (9) "sc"
- variable "csv" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get csv (10) "csv"
             condition == is not met
             .start_bms start: 3 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 3 1 0/0 (ret 12)

00000000 1b  19  endian big
  endianess changed to big endian

00000000 09  20  idstring "SC"

00000002 06  21  get VER long
             >set VER (17) to 0x00000004

00000006 14  22  if VER >= 4
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get VER (17) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             condition >= is met
             .start_bms start: 17 0 0/0

00000006 06  23  get DUMMY long # 1
             >set DUMMY (19) to 0x00000003

0000000a 17  24  endif
             .start_bms end: 17 0 0/0 (ret 18)

0000000a 06  25  get DUMMYSZ long
             >set DUMMYSZ (20) to 0x00000010

0000000e 07  26  getdstring DUMMY DUMMYSZ
             <get DUMMYSZ (20) 0x00000010
             <get DUMMYSZ (20) 0x00000010
>_"         >set DUMMY (19) to "q]PQ_|

0000001e 06  27  get SIZE asize
             >set SIZE (13) to 0x00d4f2f2

0000001e 1b  28  endian little
  endianess changed to little endian

0000001e 0f  30  savepos OFFSET
             >set OFFSET (14) to 0x0000001e

0000001e 07  31  getdstring SIGN 4
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             <get 4 (18) 0x00000004
             >set SIGN (21) to "(/"

00000022 08  32  goto OFFSET
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e

0000001e 06  33  get SIGN32 long
             >set SIGN32 (22) to 0xfd2fb528

00000022 0c  35  math XSIZE = -1
- variable "XSIZE" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get XSIZE (23) "XSIZE"
             <get -1 (24) 0xffffffff
             >set XSIZE (23) to 0xffffffff

00000022 14  36  if SIGN == "SCLZ"
             <get SIGN (21) "(/"
             <get SIGN (21) "(/"
- variable "SCLZ" seems uninitialized, I use its name
             <get SCLZ (25) "SCLZ"
             condition == is not met
             .start_bms start: 29 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 29 1 0/0 (ret 31)
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0xfd2fb528
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0xfd2fb528
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             <get SIGN32 (22) 0xfd2fb528
             <get 0xfd2fb528 (27) 0xfd2fb528
             condition == is met
             .start_bms start: 33 0 0/0

00000022 19  40  comtype zstd
             >set QUICKBMS_COMTYPE (30) to "ZSTD"

00000022 0c  41  math XSIZE = SIZE   # no matter
             <get XSIZE (23) 0xffffffff
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00d4f2f2
             >set XSIZE (23) to 0x00d4f2f2

00000022 40  42  else
             .start_bms end: 33 0 0/0 (ret 35)
             .start_bms start: 37 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 37 1 0/0 (ret 40)

00000022 14  48  if XSIZE < 0
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x00d4f2f2
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x00d4f2f2
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x00d4f2f2
             <get 0 (29) 0x00000000
             condition < is not met
             .start_bms start: 42 1 0/0
             .start_bms end: 42 1 0/0 (ret 44)

00000022 0c  52  math SIZE - OFFSET
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00d4f2f2
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e
             >set SIZE (13) to 0x00d4f2d4

00000022 01  53  clog NAME OFFSET SIZE XSIZE
             <get NAME (8) "ui_tex"
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00d4f2d4
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x00d4f2f2
  0000001e 13955826   ui_tex
- xfopen  rb: ui_tex
- xfopen2 G:\Supercell\87779\ui_tex
Info:  algorithm   478
       offset      0000001e
       input size  0x00d4f2d4 13955796
       output size 0x00d4f2f2 13955826
       result      0xffffffb8 -72

Error: there is an error with the decompression
       the returned output size is negative (-72)

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
             <get XSIZE (23) 0x00d4f2f2
             <get SIZE (13) 0x00d4f2d4
             <get OFFSET (14) 0x0000001e

- OFFSET       0x0000001e
- ZSIZE        0x00d4f2d4
- SIZE         0x00d4f2f2

- Variable 0    quickbms_current_folder
    value:      G:\Supercell\87779
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000012

- Variable 1    quickbms_bms_folder
    value:      D:\quickbms
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x0000000b

- Variable 2    quickbms_exe_folder
    value:      D:\quickbms
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x0000000b

- Variable 3    quickbms_file_folder
    value:      G:\Supercell\87779
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000012

- Variable 4    quickbms_output_folder
    value:      G:\Supercell\87779
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000012

- Variable 5    quickbms_temp_folder
    value:      C:\Users\3IMiner\AppData\Local\Temp\
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000024

- Variable 6    quickbms_bms_script
    value:      D:\quickbms\
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x0000001c

    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 8    NAME
    value:      ui_tex
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000006

- Variable 9    EXT
    value:      sc
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000002

- Variable 11   PROP
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000004

- Variable 13   SIZE
    value32:    0x00d4f2d4
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 14   OFFSET
    value32:    0x0000001e
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 15   ZSIZE
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000005

- Variable 17   VER
    value32:    0x00000004
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 19   DUMMY
>_ value:      q]PQ_|
    value32:    0x00000003
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000010

- Variable 20   DUMMYSZ
    value32:    0x00000010
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 21   SIGN
    value:      (/
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000004

- Variable 22   SIGN32
    value32:    0xfd2fb528
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 23   XSIZE
    value32:    0x00d4f2f2
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000000

- Variable 26   FLAGS
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000005

- Variable 28   LZMA_PROP
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000009

- Variable 30   QUICKBMS_COMTYPE
    value:      ZSTD
    value32:    0x00000000
    size:       0x00000111 / 0x00000004
  coverage file 0   100%   13955834   13955826   . offset 00d4f2f2

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Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Re: Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

I think comtype

Code: Select all

lzham "18 8 0 0 0"
should be changed
This is a BMS script

Code: Select all

# Clash Royale / Clash of Clans (script 0.2.4)
# script for QuickBMS

get NAME basename
get EXT extension

if EXT == "csv"
    getdstring PROP 5
    get SIZE long
    savepos OFFSET
    get ZSIZE asize
    math ZSIZE -= OFFSET
    string NAME p= "%s_unpack.%s" NAME EXT
    comtype lzma_0 PROP

endian big
idstring "SC"
get VER long
if VER >= 4
   get DUMMY long   # 1
get DUMMYSZ long
getdstring DUMMY DUMMYSZ
get SIZE asize
endian little

savepos OFFSET
getdstring SIGN 4
get SIGN32 long

math XSIZE = -1
if SIGN == "SCLZ"
    get FLAGS byte      # 0x12
    comtype lzham "18 8 0 0 0"
elif SIGN32 == 0xfd2fb528
    comtype zstd
    math XSIZE = SIZE   # no matter
    goto OFFSET
    getdstring LZMA_PROP 5
    comtype lzma_0 LZMA_PROP

if XSIZE < 0
    get XSIZE long
    savepos OFFSET
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Re: Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

"Novices on the road are destined to be novices"
I detected the format through BMS analysis and compression.
See the suitable in many compression.

Code: Select all

- open input file C:\Users\3IMiner\Documents\Supercell\Test\
- open script
- set output folder C:\Users\3IMiner\Documents\Supercell\Test\

  offset   filesize   filename
test algorithm number 26: ZSIZE 38924, SIZE 778480
  00000000 778480     ASCII85.dmp

- 1 files found in 0 seconds
  coverage file 0   100%   38924      38924      . offset 00000000

These are two kinds of comparisons.
Test Version:

SC that can be decrypted before:

There are more files It's not listed here. I've packed it.

However, how to find the offset corresponding to zsite and size here? Do you have a kind person to tell me...
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 am

Re: Can it be updated clash

Post by 3IMiner »

I hope someone can help...