First of I hope this is alright to post in here.
I was wondering if someone could help me decrypt some gameclient files. I will pay if you require.. The setup is like this: You run gameclient.exe which downloads configuration files and places them in %appdata/client/ can be extracted and contains all configuration files for the client but they are all encrypted. I believe its RSA but I have no idea? Since the gameclient can read these files I would assume the key required to read and perhaps decrypt is stored in the gameclient.exe? Others have done it in a few minutes for this particular gameclient but they are no longer around the forums where this is discussed so I was hoping someone else here is able. An example of encrypted .lua file looks like this
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Client is to big to attach here so if you want to give it a go please add me on Discord at corona95#0677 or send me a PM here to discuss rates etc if you don't want to do it pro bono.