Repacking live2d using batch file.

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Repacking live2d using batch file.

Post by Kurlev »

Hi there,

I have been playing Destiny Child recently and wish to extract the models out of the game as standalone files. I am in no way familiar with the programming or coding required but I have found a tutorial and video in Chinese but I don't know Chinese so have been relying on translate.

Watching carefully I have been able to get as far as using QuickBMS to extract the files needed from the .pck files but then as seen in the video a .bat file is used to create a file structure to be used in Adobe Air. This is the stage that I am stuck at as I don't have the knowledge to figure out how or what is needed to create the .bat file.

I was able to find what I believe is the code needed but on creating the .bat file with the code nothing happens.

Link to the tutorial (in Chinese)

Below is the code:

@echo off @echo off&setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set express=1 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.dat') do ( if not "%%~ni"=="%~n0" ( if !express! LSS 10 (ren "%%i" "0!express!.exp.json") else ren "%%i" "!express!.exp.json" set/a express+=1 ) ) set mot=1 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.txt') do ( if not "%%~ni"=="%~n0" ( if !mot! LSS 10 (ren "%%i" "idle_0!mot!.mtn") else ren "%%i" "idle_!mot!.mth" set/a mot+=1 ) ) set image=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.png') do ( if not "%%~ni"=="%~n0" ( if !image! LSS 10 (ren "%%i" "texture_0!image!.png") else ren "%%i" "texture_!image!.png" set/a image+=1 ) ) set expressions=expressions for /f %%i in ('dir/b *.exp.json') do ( set a=%%~ni&&md !expressions!&move %%i !expressions! ) set img=model.1024 for /f %%i in ('dir/b *.png') do ( set a=%%~ni&&md !img!&move %%i !img! ) set motions=motions for /f %%i in ('dir/b *.mtn') do ( set a=%%~ni&&md !motions!&move %%i !motions! ) @echo off set a= setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for %%n in (*.moc) do ( ren "%%n" "model!a!.moc" )

I was hoping someone with a far greater knowledge of coding would be able to point me in the right direction or see if perhaps there is something wrong with the above code.

Many thanks,
