Finding datas in uexp uasset ubulk umap files for 100 $

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Finding datas in uexp uasset ubulk umap files for 100 $

Post by wenach »

This is the crypted .pak file base64 code:


Name of the MMORPG: Rise Online (Turkish-English)

After exporting everything inside .pak files, I got the .ubulk, .umap, .uexp and .uasset files.

I easily open .uasset files with Asset Editor (if it is Text Based) or with UE Viewer if its Texture 2d or 3d model.

The first problem I'm having right now is that I can't open .ubulk, .umap, .uexp files.

I want to see;

Monster List
Monster Info (Drop Rate - Location etc.)
Item List (As name, For Example
ID: 12611000
Name: Arch Sword
Weapon FX: Sparks, Smoke, Lightning, base color, amissive etc.

Item Info (Damages, which mob drop which item etc.

Upgrade chances (For Example; What is the upgrade percent for Arch Sword +6 to +7?)

You can reach me from discord too: Mr.Ares#0575

Waiting your returns.