int LZWEncode(unsigned char* pScrBuffer, unsigned char* pDstBuffer) - It should return the compressed size int LZWDecode(unsigned char* pScrBuffer, unsigned char* pDstBuffer) - It should return the decompressed size
Have you already checked quickbms? I have seen many LZW* in various games and implemented lot of them so it's highly possible that it's already there. And if it's there, there is also the source code for performing the memory->memory decompression.
<achievements gfxroot="resources/gfx/ui/achievement/"> <!-- have 7 or more max red hearts at one time --> <achievement id="1" text='You unlocked "Magdalene"' gfx="Achievement_Magdalene.png" /> <!-- hold 55 pennies at one time --> <achievement id="2" text='You unlocked "Cain"' gfx="Achievement_Cain.png" /> <!-- kill Satan for the 1st time --> <achievement id="3" text='You unlocked "Judas"' gfx="Achievement_Judas.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="4" text='You unlocked "The Womb" -Chapter 4- Mother sleeps' gfx="Achievement_TheWomb.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="5" text='You unlocked "The Harbingers" The Horsemen are loose' gfx="Achievement_Harbingers.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="6" text='"A Cube of Meat" has appeared in the basement' gfx="Achievement_CubeOfMeat.png" /> <!-- beat a horseman for the 1st time --> <achievement id="7" text='"The Book of Revelations" has appeared in the basement' gfx="Achi<achievements gfxroot="resources/gfx/ui/achievement/"> <!-- have 7 or more max red hearts at one time --> <achievement id="1" text='You unlocked "Magdalene"' gfx="Achievement_Magdalene.png" /> <!-- hold 55 pennies at one time --> <achievement id="2" text='You unlocked "Cain"' gfx="Achievement_Cain.png" /> <!-- kill Satan for the 1st time --> <achievement id="3" text='You unlocked "Judas"' gfx="Achievement_Judas.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="4" text='You unlocked "The Womb" -Chapter 4- Mother sleeps' gfx="Achievement_TheWomb.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="5" text='You unlocked "The Harbingers" The Horsemen are loose' gfx="Achievement_Harbingers.png" /> <!-- beat Mom for the 1st time --> <achievement id="6" text='"A Cube of Meat" has appeared in the basement' gfx="Achievement_CubeOfMeat.png" /> <!-- beat a horseman for the 1st time --> <achievement id="7" text='"The Book of Revelations" has appeared in the basement' gfx="Achi