ModNation Racers: Road Trip *.dat/hdr (PS Vita) - I'm too dumb...

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ModNation Racers: Road Trip *.dat/hdr (PS Vita) - I'm too dumb...

Post by AlphaTwentyThree »

Hey folks,

Can somebody help me with this? Here's the hdr file:
I understand the structure but can't get the script to work.

Here's how it works:
- FOLDER_ID == some index -> change current subfolder to given name, don't write anything
- FOLDER_ID == 0xffffffff -> normal file, put file name in current folder and write current file
- FOLDER_ID && FILE_ID == 0xffffffff -> given file is last in current folder, move one folder layer up and write current file

I know it's easy, I'm just having a logical blackout.

Here's a basic script structure (missing the folder creation):

Code: Select all

open FDDE hdr 0
open FDDE dat 1

set LAYER 0 # for folder hierarchy
get FILES long 0
get NAMES_BIAS long 0
for i = 0 < FILES
   get NAME_OFF long 0
      math NAME_OFF += NAMES_BIAS
   get SIZE long 0
   get OFFSET long 0
   get ZERO long 0
   get FOLDER_ID long 0
   get FILE_ID long 0
   get ZERO longlong
   savepos MYOFF 0
      goto NAME_OFF 0
      get FNAME string 0
      callfunction construct_folder 1
      log NAME OFFSET SIZE 1
   goto MYOFF 0   
next i

startfunction construct_folder
   set NAME ""
   if FOLDER_ID == -1 && FILE_ID == -1
      math LAYER -= 1 # current layer one up
   if FOLDER_ID != -1
      putArray LAYER 0 FNAME
      for l = 0 < LAYER
         getArray C_FOLDER LAYER 0
         string NAME += C_FOLDER
         string NAME += "\"
      next l
      string NAME += FNAME
