Looking for they archives of an old shutdown F2P game hosted by Aeria. ("Born to Fire", ~2010-2013)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Looking for they archives of an old shutdown F2P game hosted by Aeria. ("Born to Fire", ~2010-2013)

Post by nervcorp »

Around 2010-ish, Korean Developer FunTree were developing a game called "Born to Fire" (본투파이어)
(MMOs.com Link) (EN)
(Namu-wiki Link) (KR)
I don't know they dates to be exact, but 1 & half year later this game was introduced for a NA/SA/SEA etc. ,where Aeria Games were hosting they global release. Around 2013 was when they game was shutdown, both on KR and Global.
So I know what I'm asking for is a bit of a far-cry, but I think it's worth a shot. Basically I'm curious if anyone here might have or knows anyone/group of individuals who might still have they source/game archives.
I only ask because there are a few other other Korean F2PFPS games which have been come & gone (officially), but still have communities which have/or tried to revised them, specifically because someone still retained they source material. (Arctic Combat, Soldier Front, War Rock are just some examples.)

(Also I apologize in advance if this is they wrong place to put this, I'm still fairly new, checking out they other threads, I thought this was they best place to put this.)