namco museum remix .anp texture animation file

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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namco museum remix .anp texture animation file

Post by garan »

so these files are big endian, like lots of wii game files. im thinking that theyre texture animations or contain some kind of keyframes that tell the game to render them at locations? im not very sure because im not that good at this stuff.

the file magic is "ANP 150 " and the amount of images stored in the file (image count i guess) is a u32 value and is always stored at 0x8. at 0x30 there is a string pool for each image, and the names are limited to 16 bytes or 15 for a null terminator

after the string pool, there are a bunch of 16 byte chunks that are formatted like [u32 value][u32 value][u32 value]\x00\x00\x00\x00

AND THEN theres a lot of data that looks like its in chunks. probably because i have my bytes per line config set to 16 on hxd.

but yeah when i modified some values and patched the files in the wbfs, i got some results. for example in ANT_BG, when i modifed the image count to less than the original, some font sheets were displayed over textures. i mean i could totally be going about this the wrong way, but i think they might be raw rgba values? or they could only be keyframes if you get the gist of what im saying. maybe theres some other file that contains actual image data and this ANP file type is just pointing to it and contains animation data.

im sorry im going on long tangents and this post is pretty long, tl;dr im trying to figure out what values in this file format do and what they mean