Cyberpunk 2077 streamingsectors to Blender?

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Cyberpunk 2077 streamingsectors to Blender?

Post by Audiophage »

I'm working on a fan film in Blender that requires massive sections of Night City. I can currently use Wolvenkit to extract the individual meshes, but assembling them manually would take months. From the exploration I've done in the game files, the world is stored in files with the suffix .streamingsector. These files apparently contain the locations of all meshes in a section of the world. Unfortunately, there is as of now no way of exporting said files as a format Blender can read.
Note: the material system in Cyberpunk is really weird. Its model export uses a custom GLB file alongside a .json which defines the shaders. A corresponding Blender addon allows the import of models along with their original shaders adapted for Cycles rendering.