Hello guys, well after try researching and don't found nothing because is to old, ok this is my issue, I try converting multiple meshes and animations to build in a dae file, the problem is no can do it, don't have knowledge in python so well can't do nothing, its impossible to convert all files in folder, as per each .cgf == .dae, cause now if you select all files in folder, and turn them in a loop for, you get every single file .cgf In folder will be attached in new .dae, for example there is x1.cgf; x2.cgf;x3.cgf; when you make a loop like this
for name in os.listdir("."):
#if name.endswith(".cgf"):
converter.AddMesh(name), r"%s\%s.cgf" % (meshPath,name))
all you get is x1.dae normal, but x2=x1.cgf+x2.cgf = x2.dae, means mesh from first model is attach with second model mesh and thats not what should be!, please if someone can fix this really appreciate that, ok have a nice day.