quickbms "incomplete input"

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quickbms "incomplete input"

Post by keybladegames »

So I was the Xentax server, trying to get help with hunk or hnk files. Surprisingly someone found a script for quickbms that exports hnk files and even showed me a screenshot of the model so you'd think it'd all be good from there


Last night I spent one to two hours trying to get it to work but quickbms keeps saying the input is "incomplete" when I gave it the exact location of the file. I even copied the guys screenshot that he showed of quickbms doing its job exporting the hnk file. So I copied what his said, getting the same locations etc. But it keeps giving me the same error over and over. But now I cant get help there cause said guy refuses to help me and continues to trick me every stop of the way. So everyone on the server is being less than helpful. So i'm hopeing to get real honest help in the forum
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Re: quickbms "incomplete input"

Post by aluigi »

We need the script and the screenshot of quickbms when it gives the error (ALT+PrntScrn for grabbing the screenshot).

That error means that the script is not meant for that file (it's normal if the format is even slightly different) or your file is corrupt.

I also suggest you to check the following topics: