Errors compressing with Uberflate

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Errors compressing with Uberflate

Post by Savage »

Hi Aluigi!
I downloaded your tool, Uberflate, and i get errors in some files, i have a batch to compress multiple files and i get this:
Filename: \\.\pipe\
Filename: \\.\pipe\
Filename: \\.\pipe\
And so on...

Any idea why crashes?

The command line i used it's:

Code: Select all

uberflate.exe filename.uncompressed file.compressed 1

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Re: Errors compressing with Uberflate

Post by aluigi »

The uberflate on my website is just an algorithm without main() and executable, how are you using it?
Maybe you implemented it in your tool by calling the function with a prototype different by CDECL, for example gcc by default uses cdecl while VC uses stdcall and so on (in uberflate.h I forgot to specify __cdecl).