Lossless resources repack, optimization and removing of junk data

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Lossless resources repack, optimization and removing of junk data

Post by necros2k7 »

Correct me if wrong section
Hi, I wonder if anyone knows if it`s possible to shrink 3DS, TGA, TIF files losslessly not breaking game / software execution?
Didn`t see such thread anywhere, would be great to have all tools in one place.
My 5 cents would be such great tool as
1. FileOptimizer https://sourceforge.net/projects/nikkho ... Optimizer/ which do a great job of removing junk data from PNG JPG ZIP quite a lot of other formats
It`s not a magic knife but still best I saw.
2. AGS engine - https://github.com/rofl0r/agsutils
3. UE4 - https://github.com/panzi/rust-u4pak
Please share tools/scripts/cmd you know which losslessly decrease resources size.
If interest would be I can continue this list and tell about FileOptimizer in more details
Of course if you are programmer you can enhance/fix above projects with your skills.

Of course we discuss only working solutions here. I understand it`s engine specific. By junk I mean data like for example in JPGs JFIF header, ICC_PROFILE mntrRGB XYZ strings ;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 8 etc. metadata not necessary for final game/mod/user. Also don`t forget PNG and other formats can be more efficiently recompressed including 7Z or ZIP formats, MP3 cbr to vbr.
Moreover there are junk files which have no practical use, I saw lotta of mods which hold
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