Quickbms reimported 0 files [ccz]

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Quickbms reimported 0 files [ccz]

Post by ksennijah »

When I want to uncompress astc.ccz file to png it says "0 files reimported in 0 seconds" I don't know why. I used first the script, then I chose the ccz file and in the end I chose the location where will be the output file. So I'm not sure what happened.
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Re: Quickbms reimported 0 files [ccz]

Post by aluigi »

(copy&paste reply from email)
It depends by the script, maybe that format is not compatible in reimport mode.

For sure you are using an old version of quickbms (2016), so you may like the current version:
It's also the website where you can find all the scripts created by me.

I don't know where you got that ccz.bms script because I have none with that name on my page.
I have a couple of scripts that refer to ccz files/content:

The first script is a decompressor while the second script is for other archives that may have files with ccz extension in them.

No idea what's your case since I don't know where you got that ccz.bms script but usually it's not a good idea to use a decompressor script in reimport mode, because this mode is used for extraction script.

(FYI, compressor script means: file.astc.ccz -> file.astc, while extracor means: file.astc.ccz -> N extracted files)