The Crew 1/2 models tool

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The Crew 1/2 models tool

Post by id-daemon »

The Crew 1/2 tool for models - cars, characters etc

Drop .XBG file onto the tool, use command line or batch convert them.

This will make properly converted models with skeletons and all parts placed to their bones and having weights.

Note that this tool only converts individual XBG files, and both cars and characters are combined from multiple XBG parts, to support many different combinations. Like premium hoods/bumpers etc for cars, and outfits for characters/NPCs. Finding these parts for particular car/char will require parsing archetype files, I will provide tools for that soon.

Examples of complete models:





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Re: The Crew 1/2 models tool

Post by id-daemon »

Tools to work with archetype files to get cars/characters combined.

First, get archetype files:

entity\generated\archetypes.entities.bin - main big archetype
entity\generated\server_archetypes.entities.bin - server archetype

Then we need to make a "cache" for archetypes:

crewact_cache.exe - Drop archetypes on it, and it will create 2 cache files: a list of all branches, and all entities in the tree, so it can be loaded and used fast from now on.
. If cache files already created, it will exit.
. list.txt is required to work (for this tool and all others below)

------- cars ------

crewact_cartables.exe - create a list of all car tables (from main archetype)
. this will also take 30 seconds, because it will have to parse whole tree
. you can hex-edit this list to work with only 1 car or selected cars

crewact_carmodels.exe - output a list of car models (from server archetype)
. list will be output to console, save it as models.txt
example: crewact_carmodels.exe server_archetypes.entities.bin > models.txt
important note: remove incorrect entries in the end, if there will be any

crewact_cars.exe - create .BAT files for all cars based on the tables (from main archetype)
. these files will have part lists for all cars based on the tables
. also outputs all tree entities related to those car parts to console
. models.txt is required in the same folder to work
crewact_cars_noout.exe - same tool, just no output to console

important note2: models.txt will only work for The Crew 2, so for The Crew 1 if you leave it empty, you can get BAT files, but no car names

------- avatars ------

crewact_avatartables.exe - create a list of all avatar tables (from main archetype)
. this will also take 30 seconds, because it will have to parse whole tree
. you can hex-edit this list too

crewact_avatars.exe - create .BAT files for all avatars based on the tables (from main archetype)
. these files will have part lists for all characters based on the tables
. also outputs all tree entities related to console
crewact_avatars_noout.exe - same tool, just no output to console

------- convertion ---------

After that, you can put these BAT files in a folder where you have XBG files, and run them there, it will copy parts for specific cars to their folders. Then you can convert them with model tool.
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Re: The Crew 1/2 models tool

Post by id-daemon »

Character table system explanation. Their "inheritance" system is not still clear to me, so i did what i could, and thats why some characters have extra arms/legs etc.

In the archetype tree they have 3 levels of data: tables, slots and renderparts.
1. there are 385 different tables and i'm working from that. Table has a list of slots ("upper body", "feet", "head" etc).
And also each table has its parents (where it can inherit more occupied slots). So i'm collecting all slots from a table and all its parents.
2. slots
Each slot has a list of renderparts. Again, each slot can have parents. So again, i'm collecting all data for particular slot and all its parents and getting a list of renderparts.
3. renderparts
Each part is a mesh description and it contains a link to geometry resource, just like in cars. But this time i'm NOT looking for its parents because it seems they have no inherited data. I may be wrong though.
4. So after I gather all these, i'm making an output of all resources i've found in a BAT file
Posts: 1040
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:09 pm

Re: The Crew 1/2 models tool

Post by id-daemon »

A tool to scale wheels (rims/tyres)

Its the same tool, you can still use it for ALL models.




if you run it with no parameters, it will think its a usual model
if you run it with 2 parameters, it will think its a tyre
if you run it with 1 parameter, it will think its a rim
because naturally, rims and tyres have to be scaled differently

for rim scaling 1 parameter:
1. rim size in inches

for tyre scaling 2 parameters:
1. rim size in inches
2. thickness relative scale
meaning scale 1 will not change thickness, scale 2 will make it 2x times thicker

examples, from pictures above, left to right

CrewModel.exe tyre.xbg
standard tyre R18

CrewModel.exe tyre.xbg 20 0,5
it will scale standard r18 tyre to R20 and make it 2 times thinner

CrewModel.exe tyre.xbg 25 2
it will scale standard r18 tyre to R25 and make it 2 times thicker

CrewModel.exe rim.xbg 25
will scale standard rim to R25