Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

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Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by Josip_2P2 »

I'm new at this BMS scripting and I have no any experience about that.
I'm currently trying to make some changes in Rage software .XFS archives.
I got some error in reimporting proccess.

First, in exporting proccess after I choose output folder I got this:

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
  00000058 172        81111ec4.dat

- the script needs to load a pre-compiled function from the dll or code
  do you want to continue with this and any other requested dll/code (y/N)?

Ofc, I choose "y" and the files are exported.
I wanted to change only 1 file. Also I was experimenting with reimporting without changing anything, trying with -e option and with various .xfs archives. Everytime same results:

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename

Error: unsupported compression 284 in reimport mode
       you can try the -e option for disabling compression (experimenta

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

- OFFSET       0x00000058
- ZSIZE        0x000000ce
- SIZE         0x000000ac
  coverage file 0     0%   1240       1285174    . offset 00000058
  coverage file -10   0%   0          3975       . offset 00000000

So, I was trying to follow the steps from this link:
, hoping that I will manage something, but I hardly understand anything here.

What is the cause of problem ? What I need to do that everything works fine ?

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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by aluigi »

Currently there is no recompressor for that algorithm.

In reimport mode the -e option works only with reimport2.bat, please retry and let me know.
In the next version of quickbms I will edit the message for specifying that -e works in reimport2 only.
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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by Josip_2P2 »

Thanks for quick response.
I tried with reimport2 with -e option already before, exactly the same results.
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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by aluigi »

It seems strange.
I don't have an XFS archive so I created a test archive similar to XFS and -e did the job by replacing the ZIP field with a zero and setting OFFSET and XSIZE accordingly.

Maybe the real archive is not compatible at all, being reimport and -e completely automatic there is not much I can do.
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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by Josip_2P2 »

Like I said before, I am beginner with all that BMS stuff, so I can't clearly understand your last reply, sorry :lol: .
I will attach some .XFS file for you.
Please, can you in other words or with some images explain me step by step what you did, especially reimport process?

Before reimport, with in exported XFS archive, try to swap two .dds files (images), their names.
These are:
2614c89d.dds & cd7f5563.dds .

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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by aluigi »

Regarding how to use -e:
copy reimport2.bat as reimport2e.bat.
Open it with notepad and add -e, for example: quickbms.exe -G -w -r -r -e
Save it and click on it.
Now select the same script, xfs file and folder you selected during extraction.

Now regarding this specific case, -e works perfectly and the file is successfully reimported.
BUT the format becomes a mess with reimport2 because it's just a list of OFFSETs with SIZE calculated from the difference of each offset... technical stuff, long story short it's not possible to use reimport2 with it.
Since -e can only work with reimport2 (reimport.bat only changes the original data of the archived file) there are no other solutions.

Maybe check if the game still loads the extracted files when they are outside the XFS archive or if the archive is deleted.
Just experiment.
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Re: Rage Software .XFS Archive - Reimport error: unsupported compression

Post by Josip_2P2 »

Reimport worked fine ! I used -e option in wrong way before...
But, as you said, the format becomes a mess. Looks like the game can't read the files from archive.
Other suggestions that you mentioned, I tried them before, it didn't work.

Anyway, thanks for your help and time, appreciate it :!: :)