Help understanding Names Array Structure of FFVII Remake (UE4)

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Help understanding Names Array Structure of FFVII Remake (UE4)

Post by cafo678 »

Hey guys, just here to ask for some help, I'm trying to dump Names and Objects of FFVII Remake but the Structure of the names is all messed up, there are too few bytes between names and I can't find the indexes, please note that this is a cracked version, but that should not be a problem right?


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 * A global name, as stored in the global name table.
struct FNameEntry
   /** Index of name in hash. */
   NAME_INDEX      Index;
   /** Pointer to the next entry in this hash bin's linked list. */
   FNameEntry*      HashNext;
   /** Name, variable-sized - note that AllocateNameEntry only allocates memory as needed. */
      ANSICHAR   AnsiName[NAME_SIZE];
      WIDECHAR   WideName[NAME_SIZE];

In fact a game in UE4.18 built by me:


OK sorry, even if the game was made in UE4.18 apparently it uses some stuff from > 4.23 -- You can delete the thread, and sorry again