Help please Import .xml file in a .bin Archiv [Cursed House -]

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Help please Import .xml file in a .bin Archiv [Cursed House -]

Post by Rosalie911 »

I would like to know if it is possible to import an .xml document into an existing .bin file using QuickBMS per script.
As an example : I have a file in the game called data.bin .It is no problem to unzip and edit it with bms script.
But to translate this game accurately I need to add a language file e.g. German.xml.
So if I have unpacked the data.bin with the BMS script, I could use it after editing the file again via QuickBMS reimport2.bat again the data.bin with changed data. But this .xml file should also be in there.
Can someone help in simple terms how to do this?
or ander solution.

Thanks for your help in advance

Sorry for my bad english,is from the translator
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Re: Help please Import .xml file in a .bin Archiv

Post by aluigi »

Name of the game and name of the script you used on it.

Adding new files to archives is not possible with quickbms, if there are no tools specific for that format (rebuilders/repackers) there is not much to do.
Sometimes the extracted files are read by the game if outside the archive or if the original archive is deleted.
Posts: 30
Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:25 am

Re: Help please Import .xml file in a .bin Archiv

Post by Rosalie911 »

Thanks for the Help

Game is Cursed House and th script.