Super Robot Wars 30 (character bios)

How to translate the files of a game
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:49 pm

Super Robot Wars 30 (character bios)

Post by DooshDR »


I'm looking for the character bios files from Super Robot Wars 30. Yes, the game is already translated in English. But I would like to be able to edit them anyway.
Thanks to the great tools from this forum I managed to extract and decrypt every .cpk package. But still, no luck.
With a series of fails and retries, I managed to isolate a file that makes the game crash just when you click on a character bio.
So I unpacked the files from it and decrypted/uncompressed them. Not sure if it is indeed this one but still worth a try. It's unreadable. So maybe someone here can figure out what this is about. The name contains "pt" so maybe it's just "pointers".
Here's the archive.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:49 pm

Re: Super Robot Wars 30 (character bios)

Post by DooshDR »

This is the content of one of the files. Anyone knows how to decypher this?

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