Q-rare Magic Library (Unity3d?) game for Android/ios

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Q-rare Magic Library (Unity3d?) game for Android/ios

Post by Ares722 »

I found out this free RPG korean game called Q-rare Magic library (original title: 큐라레: 마법도서관).
The game has a really nice 3d models for the main characters even if it based on a 2dcard game system.
The 3d chara models and textures files are inside some xxx.qu archieves and hexing them it seems they are realted to unity3d engine (maybe some custom ones?).Those are the first bytes:


I suppose inside there are the assets files with 3d data and textures,anyone have some idea about how extract them? I have already tried all the tools and scripts i know to unpack those strange unity3d files with no luck.

Some Sample files (1 chara, 1 background, 1 2dcard) and a pic of a random ingame main character:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/rbq60 ... amples.rar

and a small video of the making of:

Links for the game installer:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... roc.google

PS: i create a similar tread on xentax without receiving any hint to how extract the assets inside the .qu files, i hope for some help ^^. If u need more sample let me know.
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Re: Q-rare Magic Library (Unity3d?) game for Android/ios

Post by aluigi »

The UnityWeb assets can be extracted with this script:

Unfortunately all those specific files give problems with the lzma decompression, in fact lzma returns the LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED error.
I get that error even by performing the lzma0 and lzma2_0 decompression on the raw compressed data (starting from offset 0xe of the data).
Currently I don't know what customization is used in this game that doesn't allow the decompression of the files.
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Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:14 am

Re: Q-rare Magic Library (Unity3d?) game for Android/ios

Post by Ares722 »

Yeah,your script is the first way i tried to extract them. I hoped that it was due to a simple not standard compression of the assets, but from your analysis it seems they have used an unknow sort of compression method. Another possibility is to try to take a memory dump of the game inside the android device, but i'm not so optimisc. Anyway ty so much for the try.