Shumenol data extraction

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Shumenol data extraction

Post by daniil »

Hello everyone.
It's my first time posting here, so I can't help but be thrilled.
I will continue to use this forum to share good opinions.

Now I'm trying to extract the evp files of shumenol V7902, but it doesn't work.
The script I am using is as follows.
Tailsman's previous version evp files can be extracted using this script.

When I tried to analyze client.exe with IDA to extract this shumenol's data, it was already packed.
So, when I unpacked and analyzed client.exe, the data structure was definitely different.
We are currently analyzing and unraveling using IDA, X64Dbb, and Quickbms.
But it doesn't work as intended.

If anyone can help, let's discuss it.
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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:53 pm

Re: Shumenol data extraction

Post by moonpaladin »

hey Hello daniil! you know how to load .eva 3d models? I want to get some models from this game, but this .eva file format only can be opened with a script: /.
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:41 am

Re: Shumenol data extraction

Post by daniil »

I am only talking about the eva file format.
If you send a file, I can try changing the format.
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:41 am

Re: Shumenol data extraction

Post by daniil »

The bms file I made successfully unpacks the evp files of the latest entertainment including Zui and Shumenol.
Contact me if you need this file.
Please use the pm of this forum if you want to contact me.
If you didn't post even one time, please include your link in pm.