.p3d correct weights

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.p3d correct weights

Post by dimis9138 »

Been mashing my head against a wall trying to figure out correct weights for .p3d files for a while now and it's starting to get pretty annoying.

This is the tool I've been using (amongst my own tool which I used before): https://github.com/JimBob0121/P3D-Debinarizer-Arma-3
It gets good weights for some models but not others. If anyone here that's more experienced can take a look I'd really appreciate it.

Example files: https://mega.nz/file/NxZgmTiQ#cfMVVcoOG
Key: cfMVVcoOGXo2DZM-757tgMj2nL3N5sJcfOZTDh_nb7I

_mlod you can open in Object Builder, the other one you can't since it's binarized - if you throw it in to the debinarizer it will give you the _mlod file but the weights will be ruined, skeleton should be correct though.