Hi there. I'm trying to use the Ubisoft_SDF script from aluigi.org/bms/ubisoft_sdf.bms to unpack the archives of Starlink: Battle for Atlas' PC version, but get an error as detailed below. Oddly, this doesn't happen when using the script on the Switch version's files. Unfortunately that version has lower quality assets and compressed/swizzled lower res textures and thus doesn't suit my needs. I also tried using the Snowdrop script from the quickbms website, but it just hangs and does nothing, maybe spitting an error about "can't read 4 bytes from offset" if I'm lucky.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time
If we are lucky it may just be a different compression algorithm. If you open the archive with a hex editor, what data do you see at that offset 0x1eb3? Alternatively you can just upload and link here the file created by this script: