Fable 2 TEX texture files

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Fable 2 TEX texture files

Post by ByronT »

Right, so I'm trying to make sense of Fable 2's texture files and they seem to be compressed.

The header files are stored in a separate archive bnk, even though the texture files I've seen have a lot, if not all of the header data in them. Dimensions, crucially, are there in the first 20 or so bytes.

According to this post by Tosyk https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?t=4571#p39375 the tex files are lzma:192k compressed (although I'm not sure how they found this out as I can't get 7zip to tell me anything.)

Thing is, and I might be trying to do something wrong here, I cannot find a straightforward way to decompress/inflate the texture files so that I can see what they are, using 7zip or any other tool I can find.

Could it be a quirk of the bnk extractor that dumps the texture files without decompressing them?

Any help/input very gratefully received!

Sample file attached:
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Re: Fable 2 TEX texture files

Post by h3x3r »

But the size is bullsh!t Also there is no decompressed size. I can only see compressed size at 0x8 offset. "191904" big endian.
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:53 am

Re: Fable 2 TEX texture files

Post by ByronT »

Turns out they're encrypted as well, at least partially.

Included more .tex files and corresponding headers, extracted from different .bnk archive.