uncompressed data error

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uncompressed data error

Post by toadbirb »

(I'm not sure if this is where I should ask this, if its not please tell me!)

I'm trying to extract game assets from a new game and I keep getting this error every time I try to run it through quickbms

The files are .npk and I'm using the .nxpk script so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

Code: Select all

Info:  algorithm   249
       offset      00000000
       input size  0x0003797a 227706
       output size 0x00037606 226822
       result      0xfffffffc -4

Error: uncompressed data (-4) bigger than allocated buffer (227578)
       It usually means that data is not compressed or uses another algorithm

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

- OFFSET       0x00000000
- ZSIZE        0x0003797a
- SIZE         0x00037606
  coverage file 0     0%   227758     895053788  . offset 3555a918
  coverage file -1  100%   227706     227706     . offset 0003797a
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Re: uncompressed data error

Post by aluigi »

nxpk uses 4 different compression algorithms.
Please provide that npk file and also the name of the game.
If the file is very big (let's say over 500Mb) we have to find another solution.
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Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:06 am

Re: uncompressed data error

Post by toadbirb »

aluigi wrote:nxpk uses 4 different compression algorithms.
Please provide that npk file and also the name of the game.
If the file is very big (let's say over 500Mb) we have to find another solution.

the game is "Harry Potter: Magic Awakens"

one of the two files i tried to extract is too big so ill send the smaller one (they both produced the same error code so)
edit: i tried to include the file and it said it doesnt support npk, and a .rar was too big? (26.6 MB)

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Re: uncompressed data error

Post by aluigi »

It's related to the key used for obfuscating the first 128 bytes.

Open the script with a text editor and replace the "2" at line 117 with "250":

Code: Select all

    xmath TMP "x - 250"
