Piercing Blow / Point Blank .i3Pack archives

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Piercing Blow / Point Blank .i3Pack archives

Post by Napoleon321 »

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you're going great those days. I was wondering is anyone of you have ever looked the Piercing Blow / Point Blank .i3Pack archives?

Here a link for the game site itself:

There was a tool that was able to open the i3Pack archives, but unfortunately that was in 2013... and now that tool no longer works on the current game files.

I will link the tool here:
I3Pack Tool

The tools creator also released the source codes for it here:

PointBlank Modtools (look for i3pack tool)

I attempted to understand what is the difference between the old format and the new format, but I'm not able to make any progress, and I was hoping some of you might have a better idea than me. My guess is that there is something new with the encryption of the archives.

Here are some samples of the new archives (If you are interested I can provide more):

Samples (New Archives):

I can also provide samples of the old archives that work with the tool.

Any help or insight on this will be really appreciated. Thanks.