2002 Medal of Honor: Frontline (.msh / .skl) — SAMPLE (.msh hex preview)
2003 Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (.aso / .msh / .mesh.o / .skel.o) — SAMPLE (.mesh.o hex preview)
2004 Golden Eye: Rogue Agent (.aso / .msh / .mesh.o / .skel.o) — SAMPLE (.skel.o hex preview, .mesh.o hex preview)
2005 Medal of Honor: European Assault — couldn't find any models, since not all archive formats can be unpacked yet
2007 Medal of Honor: Vanguard — couldn't find any models, since not all archive formats can be unpacked yet
Code: Select all
.aso - animation (2003-2004)
.mesh.o - model (2003-2004)
.o - model (2003-2004)
.skel.o - skeleton (2003-2004)
.skl - skeleton (2002)
.msh - models? (2002) - can contain SHPS string, possible texture container?
This is the closest tool I could find for the formats. But unfortunately it work with PC files only:
p.s.: texture .ssh research: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=15712
archive .cpt / .rtc / .str / .cdb research: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15713