Castle of Illusion

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
Doctor Loboto
Posts: 376
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am

Castle of Illusion

Post by Doctor Loboto »

Well, I found a script to unpack the main data pack of this game. Problem is...they all come out hashed, with no extensions or sign of what sort of file they may be. I want to extract models and textures from this game for reference purposes, but I cannot find a way to organize or extract them at all.
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Re: Castle of Illusion

Post by aluigi »

The script on my website automatically guesses the extensions, in fact you can notice the appending of a dot to the filename.
If your files have no extensions it means you used a very old version.
It doesn't change much except having the extension of xml/txt files.

The biggest files (>10Mb) are xml... huge xml files.
Those with the 17 f2 45 b8 header contain an FSB5 file at offset 0x1c0.
Those with the 00 00 0a 00 header are probably raw textures maybe?