Transformers Human Alliance Subtitles

How to translate the files of a game
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Transformers Human Alliance Subtitles

Post by LolHacksRule »

I want to view the subtitles of the game, they appear to be in Subtitles based BNK files, where that format is covered here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13225, but the text is in not a known format. They're in a chunk below the MFUT (Message Font Unicode Text[?]) chunk being, MBUN, which I guess is Message Binary/Block (UNicode)[?] but I cannot find any of those in the exe. It's easy to rip the text by scanning Unicode but it is tedious. Any advice or will someone write a script for either QuickBMS or 010 Editor ? It would also help me with my WIP script for opening BNK files.