All the dat and ns files in the data folder are ZIP files protected by password, except pet.dat which is not protected at all. 7zip and other archivers may have some problems to open the DAT files so you can use my script and setting the passord in the ZIP_PASSWORD string with a text editor:
I don't remember what executable/dll container the other passwords, can you "grep" the exe/dll searching one of the two passwords I posted? When you find the right file, then upload it.
Right, the passwords are generated at runtime. Anyway there are many of them, for example the map*.nss archives use a password that is the reverted map number and so on. The following is the current full list of NSS archives and their relative passwords:
get DATA basename string DATA $ "_" print "%DATA%" string DATA r DATA string DATA R "_" "0" string DATA R "a" "0" string DATA R "e" "0" string DATA R "i" "0" string DATA R "o" "0" string DATA R "u" "0" print "PASSWORD: 0%DATA%"