Unity Mobile Game Textures

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:02 pm

Unity Mobile Game Textures

Post by Silco »

Hey so I'm struggling with this Unity Mobile Game, AssetStudio reports the Textures are ETC1 or ETC2 Crunched however they don't have the crunched magic "Hx" at all and I can't tell/work out if its just a butchered header or if they edited the engine and just completely replace those texture IDs with something differen't.

Uploaded 2 different examples, one supposedly by AssetStudio Crunched ETC1 and one Crunched ETC2.

Here is what I've managed to work out so far, ETC2 is with alpha and thats when there is more than one "image data".

Code: Select all

4 byte magic
2 byte 0x4D
2 byte ?CRC?
4 byte DataLength
2 byte ?CRC?
2 byte number of Image Data
0x19 Bytes ???
4 byte palette offset
3 byte palette size
2 byte palette num?
4 byte Offset
2 byte size
4 byte offset
3 byte size
0xE ???
For Number of Image Data
   1 byte 0x0
   4 byte ID
   2 byte width
   2 byte height
   2 byte block width?
   2 byte block height?
   4 byte dataStart
   4 byte data size
   2 byte ???

Any help appreciated, thanks.
Edit: the ETC1.dat actual image should just be a white 32x32 image, the ETC2 is actual game art with a fade at the bottom of it.

Edit2: Added more example files.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:02 pm

Re: Unity Mobile Game Textures

Post by Silco »

Okay they were basis textures (https://github.com/BinomialLLC/basis_universal)