[Dishonored 2] modifying game values

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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[Dishonored 2] modifying game values

Post by aruspex66 »

Hi, I've thoroughly searched the internet for all things related to modifying Dishonored 2. In particular, I would like to change things such as maximum inventory, mana costs, power durations and things of that nature to rebalance the game.

I've spent hours using QuickBMS and the dishonored2 script and have successfully extracted the game files and I've even located the exact file where the values I want to modify are stored. For example, I found where mana is handled, it's in the game1.resources archive, after extracting it looks like: C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\dh2 output folder\generated\decls\cpntmana\components\characters\player\base\mana.cpnt.mana

When opening the file, I see:
edit = {
m_mana = 100;
m_regenAmount = 20;
m_regenDelay = 5;
m_regenRate = 11;
m_beginRegenSoundEvent = "sound_events/dishonored/ui/regen/snd_ui_ingame_regen_mana";
m_consumeSoundEvent = "sound_events/bsp/bsp_ui/bsp_ui_pickup/bsp_ui_pickup_potion_mana_drink";

So, I modified m_regenDelay, and changed the value to 1 instead of 5 to test it.

I deleted all other extracted files and reimported only the modified files: generated\decls\cpntmana\components\characters\player\base\mana.cpnt.mana

The QuickBMS reimporter had no errors and did so successfully, replacing the one file. I then took the modified archive (game1.resources) and replaced the original archive in the game folder. I checked to be sure the modified archive was the same size as the original archive, they matched perfectly.
Unfortunately, when I replace the original archive with the modified one and try to run the game, I get a CTD before the main menu can be loaded.

Does anyone have any advice on what could be the issue? If more information is needed, I can elaborate further.
By the way, I wanted to thank the creator of QuickBMS as I can see it's a really powerful tool.