Spider Man 3 (xbox 360) UNKNOWN file format after extraction

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Spider Man 3 (xbox 360) UNKNOWN file format after extraction

Post by PaHaNchickT »

Hello everyone!

Got the idea - to extract files from xbox 360 version of Spider Man 3 The Game. There are lots of scripts for extraction that working for PC version. But there no solutions for extraction the same files from xbox 360 directory. DKDave and Luigi Auriemma helped me (great thanks for them) to upgrade scripts. But after all steps I got problems. I will describe all steps to understanding where the problem could be.

What we got now? At the first I tried this script by DKDave for extraction *XEPACK to APKF blocks:

Code: Select all

# Spiderman 3 (PC/XBox 360)
# PCPACK / XEPACK extract
# QuickBMS script by Dave, 2021

Goto 0x30
GetDString TEST 4

If TEST = "mash"
   Endian Big

Goto 0x54
Get TEMPNAME basename

FindLoc OFFSET binary "\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1" 0 -1


For A = 0 < ENTRIES
   Get MISC1 Long
   Get MISC2 Long
   Get OFFSET Long
   Get SIZE Long

   String TEMPEXT P "%MISC2|x%"
   String TEMPEXT - "0x000000"



Next A

After that we got *36 files that's including textures, meshes and other. It looks like another archive. Then I extracted it with script (made by Luigi):

Code: Select all

# APKF (script 0.1a)

idstring "APKF"
get DUMMY long
get ZERO long   # 0 or 4 (xbox?)
get DUMMY long  # -1
get DUMMY long  # 2
endian guess DUMMY
savepos TMP
get OFFSET long
get ZERO long
math MAX_TYPES = 4
for TYPE = 0 < MAX_TYPES
    getdstring PATH 4
    get DUMMY long
    get STRUCT_TYPE long
    savepos TMP
    get INFO_OFF long
    math INFO_OFF + TMP
    get FILES long
    get DUMMY5 long
    get FLAGS long

    savepos BACKUP_OFF
    goto INFO_OFF
    for i = 0 < FILES
        savepos TMP
        get NAME_OFF long
        math NAME_OFF + TMP
        get CRC long
        get SIZE long
        if STRUCT_TYPE == 1
        elif STRUCT_TYPE == 2
            get DUMMY long
            print "Error: unknown structure %STRUCT_TYPE%, contact me"
        savepos TMP
        goto NAME_OFF
        get NAME string
        goto TMP
        string NAME p "%s/%s" PATH NAME
        log NAME OFFSET SIZE
        math OFFSET + SIZE
    next i
    goto BACKUP_OFF
next TYPE

After all steps I got files that might be a textures, meshes and other, but there are lot's of files without extension that weigh 1 KB. It's so odd. I opened it with HexEditor and there are no headers (that talks that it might be DDS, TEX or something else). Samples of these uknown files here:

https://mega.nz/file/1IkQ1Jxb#UySH0-luw ... hLhfgRaHzg

Samples that had been extracted from the same *PCPACK archive here:

https://mega.nz/file/VQ0UxLqL#k0ggCaRI5 ... l5mojVoXjU

Could anyone tell what it could be? Another archives, encrypted files or something else? Will be so appreciate for it!