Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by Teancum »

I was hoping this might be updated to allow for reimport. Exporting this has been very valuable to the Star Wars Battlefront (2004-2005) community, but the idea of making new content for Clone Wars is intriguing. Any help is much appreciated. So much of what modding communities can do comes from places like this.

Original script + data.zwp download below.

Code: Select all

# Star Wars: The Clone Wars - data.zwp file (XBOX)

idstring "NORK"
get DUMMY long
get DUMMY long
get FULL_SIZE long
get FILES long
get OFFSET long
for i = 0 < FILES
    get ZERO long
    get NAMESZ byte
    getdstring NAME NAMESZ
    get OFFSET long
    get SIZE long
    get ZSIZE long
    if ZSIZE == SIZE
        log NAME OFFSET SIZE
next i ... a.zwp/file

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Re: Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by aluigi »

What happens after you use reimport2.bat and use the modified zwp with your game?
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Re: Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by Teancum »

D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS>quickbms.exe -G -w -r -r

QuickBMS generic files extractor and reimporter 0.11.0
by Luigi Auriemma
(Apr 5 2021 - 13:56:34) Homepage ZenHAX Forum
@zenhax @quickbms Twitter & Scripts

- GUI mode activated, remember that the tool works also from command-line
where are available various options like folder scanning, filters and so on

- select BMS script. type ? for using the content of clipboard like a script
- select input archives/files, type * for the whole folder and subfolders
- select output folder where extracting files

- alternative REIMPORT2 mode enabled!
- remember to select the SAME script, file and folder you selected during
the previous extraction
- it's highly suggested to leave only the edited files in the folder, it's
faster and less prone to errors with compressed files

- filter string: "*"
- filter 1: *
- start the scanning of the input folder: D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!
- open input file D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!\.\4way_128.col
- open script D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS\
- set output folder D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS

offset filesize filename

- signature of 4 bytes at offset 0x00000000 doesn't match the one
expected by the script:

this one: "ABT1"
41 42 54 31 ABT1

expected: "NORK"
4e 4f 52 4b NORK

- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 4 972 . offset 00000004
- open input file D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!\.\4way_128.msh
- open script D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS\
- set output folder D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS

offset filesize filename

- signature of 4 bytes at offset 0x00000000 doesn't match the one
expected by the script:

this one: "HEDR"
48 45 44 52 HEDR

expected: "NORK"
4e 4f 52 4b NORK

- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 4 2644 . offset 00000004
- open input file D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!\.\4way_128.odf
- open script D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS\
- set output folder D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS

offset filesize filename

- signature of 4 bytes at offset 0x00000000 doesn't match the one
expected by the script:

this one: "[Gam"
5b 47 61 6d [Gam

expected: "NORK"
4e 4f 52 4b NORK

- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 2% 4 138 . offset 00000004
- open input file D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!\.\4way_64.col
- open script D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS\
- set output folder D:\X360\Mods\!!TOOLS

offset filesize filename

Error: incomplete input file 0: D:\X360\Mods\Star Wars Clone Wars\!!!\4way_64.col
Can't read 4 bytes from offset 00000000.
Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written
to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it
or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted.
Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
3 idstring "NORK"

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Re: Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by Teancum »

This might be a dumb question -- do I need to re-extract using the newest version of Quickbms? I wasn't sure if there was a metadeta output file during extract or anything.
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Re: Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by aluigi »

You must select the SAME file and folder you selected during extraction, that's why reimport gives you the errors.

I suggest to use the new quickbms for reimporting (there were some fixes on the reimport but quite small), but there is no need to re-extract everything. Quickbms 0.10.1 was already very stable.
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Re: Star Wars Clone Wars data.zwp revisit?

Post by Teancum »

Thanks much. I figured I was doing it wrong. I appreciate your help!