I was looking at this thread but I'm not able to convert with the program hosted. Any help in making a script or even something for 3D Model Converter ?
DJ Normality wrote:I was looking at this thread but I'm not able to convert with the program hosted. Any help in making a script or even something for 3D Model Converter ?
What is your opinion about the sceenshot and the attached files?
DJ Normality wrote:I was looking at this thread but I'm not able to convert with the program hosted. Any help in making a script or even something for 3D Model Converter ?
What is your opinion about the sceenshot and the attached files? MC3_vroot_cargotruck_sh_lod_body_h.mesh.jpg
I have finished the Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition *.mesh/type loader module.
After it I have released the following program as web updates: - 3D Object Converter v8.001 (Windows)
How to get the 3D Object Converter v8.001: Download the 3D Object Converter from http://3doc.i3dconverter.com and install it or download and use the portable version. After it just use the Help/Check for updates... function to get the v8.001.
Turn on the Draw / Show back-facing geometry to get the correct view.
I will add the .tex texture loader module to my program also.
I have finished the Midtown Madness / Midnight Club *.tex texture format loader module.
After it I have released the following program as web updates: - 3D Object Converter v8.004 (Windows)
How to get the 3D Object Converter v8.004: Download the 3D Object Converter from http://3doc.i3dconverter.com and install it or download and use the portable version. After it just use the Help/Check for updates... function to get the v8.004.
Turn on the Draw / Show back-facing geometry and the Draw / Vertex color shaded to get the correct view.