Tales of Berseria PC re-encrypt TLFILE.TLDAT

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Tales of Berseria PC re-encrypt TLFILE.TLDAT

Post by Yaldabaoth »

im trying to write a small programm that lets me patch the gamefiles with customized meshes.
The tools i found (https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1366/) for this game allow me to decrypt the archive TLFILE.TLDAT and unpack it.
My programm now reads the the mesh informationen and allows .obj to be imported and written to these files, if the vertice count is equal or smaller.

Sadly the tools only allow me to patch files into the archive but not encrypt it again. So i wasnt able to test my results yet.

Did somebody try to encrypt the archive or could give me a lead on how i can accomplish this?
Hope you can help me with this, would be sad if all that work would be for nothing because i can only decrypt and not encrypt. Thanks