I was able to decompress the files using many tools. The final result is a nameless file that holds data. I was able to find some patterns. Hopefully im not showing wrong screen shots but im pretty sure this is a buffer of some kind. The vertices start on the blue ususally.... Although I did save this one where they seem to start directly after the faces but i think this is wrong. I took many screenshots. Sorry if this isn't right. This is what the shell looks like which seems to be correct. Uv's also come out correct. So this seems to be right. Until I run into an issue like this. These faces are in the same vertex buffer. Yet if i load 1 more face it throws an error. I found that by searching for another offset of faces reveals the other meshes. But its very time consuming. Is there anyway to parse the model data by a script ?
The files seem very random. Some start with vertices, some start with other data. Assuming it's extracted correctly, it should be possible to script it, but I can't see any proper counts or offsets for the data within the files for where to even start.
I think it was the decrypter to the .rpf files. It says it "decompressed" the files but i think it messed with the data. Alot. Thanks for checking it out.