ELEX - Fonts

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:55 pm

ELEX - Fonts

Post by InKviZ »

Hi guys. Who can help convert font textures, I would be very grateful for help.
Posts: 165
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:53 pm

Re: ELEX - Fonts

Post by h3x3r »

If you have 010 HEX Editor then use this template to parse font files. It shows you where maping and texture starts. BTW texture is classic DDS file.

Code: Select all

//--- 010 Editor v11.0.1 Binary Template
//      File:
//   Authors:
//   Version:
//   Purpose:
//  Category:
// File Mask:
//  ID Bytes:
//   History:
ubyte Magic[4];
uint FileSize; //+130
uint CharTableSize;
uint Dumy;
uint TextureSize;
ubyte CharTable[CharTableSize];
ubyte Texture[TextureSize];
uint UnknownDataSize;
ubyte UnknownData[UnknownDataSize-4];
uint UnknownDataSize0;
ubyte UnknownData0[UnknownDataSize0];

How to save texture: Open font file in 010 HEX Editor, use template on that font file and click on Texture node. Press ctrl and double tap C key now create new file as HEX and paste copied data. Now you can save it as *.DDS file.
And here are fonts.