Magic Legends Piggs / Hoggs files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Magic Legends Piggs / Hoggs files

Post by Pepita »


looking for checking out Magic Legends Client. It uses Hogg files like Neverwinter etc. but none of the Tools / Scripts worked so far.

The QuickBMS one gave me:
- error in src\extra\xalloc.c line 618: xdbg_malloc()


Error: [myfseek] offset 0xbce30cc92ea5795e in file 0 can't be reached

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

Some files work, just not Data and Bin. Here is a Cut of the Files. ... hbw/shared
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Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:58 pm

Re: Magic Legends Piggs / Hoggs files

Post by Pepita »

Updated Mainpost, sorry for this little struggle. It's been a while :)
Hope we can get more Information, so we can create a DiabloFans for Magic!
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Re: Magic Legends Piggs / Hoggs files

Post by aluigi »

I updated the script but the format is messy and this is only a workaround:

In short the problem was that there were additional names after the specified NAME_SIZE and I don't know if they must be ignored (probably yes).

There were also another couple of things but my main problem is the NAMES_SIZE I mentioned, so what I did was only commenting the new code.
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Re: Magic Legends Piggs / Hoggs files

Post by Pepita »


working so far. Some Files are just name $ tho and get constantly overwritten. I guess, that's because the Name is too long.

Some Names are really long if you watch extracting.

Edit: I got a Script Error on the Data.hogg File. Posted below:

Code: Select all

Error: the script uses more array indexes (9309) than available (9309)

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
  93  getarray NAME 0 ID

With Textures File I get:

Code: Select all

- it's not possible to create that file due to its filename or related
  incompatibilities (for example already exists a folder with that name), so
  now you must choose a new filename for saving it.
  if you press ENTER a new name will be generated automatically.
  - old: 
  - new: