a lot more, so well my question is if somebody cna take a look into 3D model format? ok many thanks for all and hope somebody can make a something with samples, grateful for support.
ok and here some info about files.
- texture paths are relative to the Ragnarok folder.
- size specified as structure or data type or in bytes
- structure sizes and content listed in type definitions below
Data/Field Size Notes
'GRSM' 4 RSM identifier/header
todo 27 Unknown, labled "todo"
nTextures int Number of textures (int)
text_name ro_string * nTextures
<MESH> Keep reading in a mesh until EOF or
30 meshes are read in
name ro_string name of mesh
todo int integer, only read for first mesh
parent_name ro_string
ftodo int * 10 Array of 10 floats, only read for first mesh
ntextures int number of textures for this mesh
n int * ntextures see code
transf float * 22 used in transformations...
npos_vtx int number of vertices
pos_vtx ro_vertex_t * npos_vtx array of vertices
ntex_vtx int number of texture coordinates
tex_vtx ro_vertex_t * ntex_vtx array of coordinates (see code)
nall_faces int number of faces
all_faces ro_face_t * nall_faces array of face structures
nframes int number of frame animations
frames ro_frame_t * nframes array of frame structures
So RSM layout is:
or usually just one mesh
Here's the code:
//Type definitions
typedef char ro_string_t[40]; // The RO path string, 40 bytes wide
typedef struct { // RSM Header
char filecode[4];
char todo[27];
} rsm_header_t;
typedef struct { // Used by app to store position information
GLfloat x;
GLfloat y;
GLfloat z;
GLfloat rx;
GLfloat ry;
GLfloat rz;
GLfloat sx;
GLfloat sy;
GLfloat sz;
} ro_position_t;
typedef float ro_vertex_t[3]; // Stores vertex information
typedef struct {
short v[3]; // Indexed vertices to use for this face
short t[3]; // Indexed texture coordinates to use for this face
unsigned short text; // Which texture to use for this surface
unsigned short todo1; // ???
unsigned int todo2; // ???
unsigned int nsurf; // ???
} ro_face_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int text; // Which texture to use for this surface
int nvertex; // Number of Vertexes
int nfaces; // Number of Faces/Triangles
gl_vertex_t *vertex;
gl_face_t *faces;
} ro_surface_t;
typedef struct {
GLfloat todo[22]; // ???
} ro_transf_t;
typedef float ro_quat_t[4];
typedef struct {
int time;
ro_quat_t orientation;
} ro_frame_t;
typedef struct {
GLfloat max[3];
GLfloat min[3];
GLfloat range[3];
} bounding_box_t;
class RSM
RSM(); // Constructor
bool Load(char *ragnapath, char *filename); // RSM Loader
void Display(ro_position_t pos);
void DisplayMesh(bounding_box_t *b, int n, ro_transf_t *ptransf=NULL);
virtual ~RSM();
void BoundingBox();
bounding_box_t box;
int *father;
GLfloat range[3];
GLfloat min[3];
GLfloat max[3];
rsm_header_t header;
int nmeshes;
RSM_Mesh *meshes;
int ntextures;
GLuint *textures;
ro_string_t *textures_name;
bool *alphatex;
class RSM_Mesh
bool Load(FILE *fp, GLuint *all_textures, bool *alphatex, bool main);
void Display(bounding_box_t *box, ro_transf_t *ptransf = NULL);
virtual ~RSM_Mesh();
ro_transf_t transf;
ro_vertex_t *pos_vtx;
GLfloat range[3];
GLfloat min[3];
GLfloat max[3];
void BoundingBox(ro_transf_t *ptransf=NULL);
ro_string_t name;
ro_string_t parent_name;
bool only;
bool RSM::Load(char *ragnapath, char *filename)
FILE *fp;
int i;
fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!fp) {
return false;
//Read in the header
fread (&header, sizeof(rsm_header_t), 1, fp);
//Get the number of textures
fread (&ntextures, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
textures = new GLuint[ntextures];
alphatex = new bool[ntextures];
textures_name = new ro_string_t[ntextures];
//Read texture paths into an array of strings 40 bytes wide each...
fread (textures_name, sizeof(ro_string_t), ntextures, fp);
//prepare textures for openGL
glGenTextures(ntextures, textures);
//Load textures
for (i = 0; i < ntextures; i++)
LoadTexture (ragnapath, textures_name[i], textures[i], &alphatex[i]);
meshes = new RSM_Mesh[30];
//Read in mesh structure until we hit end-of-file or 30 meshes
while (file_status(fp) != 0) {
meshes[nmeshes].Load(fp, textures, alphatex, (nmeshes == 0));
if (nmeshes > 29)
if (nmeshes == 1)
meshes[0].only = true; //Set if only one mesh was read...
meshes[0].only = false;
fclose (fp);
//create mesh heirarchy
father = new int[nmeshes];
father[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nmeshes; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nmeshes; j++)
if ((j != i) && (!strcmp(meshes[j].parent_name, meshes[i].name)))
father[j] = i;
BoundingBox(); //Set up bounding box
return true;
AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(char *Filename)
if (!Filename)
return NULL;
if (File)
return auxDIBImageLoad(Filename);
return NULL;
#define coord3(t, x, y, o) t[3*((x)+(y)*w)+o]
#define coord4(t, x, y, o) t[4*((x)+(y)*w)+o]
bool LoadTexture(char *ragnapath, char *filename, GLuint texture, bool *alpha)
int h, w, j, k;
unsigned char *cdata;
unsigned char *ndata;
char buffer[512];
int l;
l = strlen(filename);
sprintf (buffer, "%s\\data\\texture\\%s", ragnapath, filename);
if ((filename[l-3] == 'b' &&
filename[l-2] == 'm' &&
filename[l-1] == 'p') || (filename[l-3] == 'B' &&
filename[l-2] == 'M' &&
filename[l-1] == 'P')) {
AUX_RGBImageRec *image;
image = LoadBMP(buffer);
if(!image) image = LoadBMP("blank.bmp");
h = image->sizeY;
w = image->sizeX;
cdata = (unsigned char *) image->data;
ndata = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*4*h*w);
for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (k = 0; k < w; k++) {
unsigned char a, r, g, b;
b = coord3(cdata, k, h-1-j, 0);
g = coord3(cdata, k, h-1-j, 1);
r = coord3(cdata, k, h-1-j, 2);
ndata[4*(j*w+k)] = b;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+1] = g;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+2] = r;
if (g==0 && r>253 && b>253)
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+3] = 0;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+3] = 255;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gluBuild2DMipmaps ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, w, h,
if (alpha)
*alpha = false;
} else if ((filename[l-3] == 't' &&
filename[l-2] == 'g' &&
filename[l-1] == 'a') || (filename[l-3] == 'T' &&
filename[l-2] == 'G' &&
filename[l-1] == 'A')) {
image_t p;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
tgaLoad ( buffer, &p, TGA_NO_PASS);
h = p.info.height;
w = p.info.width;
cdata = (unsigned char *) p.data;
ndata = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*4*h*w);
for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (k = 0; k < w; k++) {
unsigned char a, r, g, b;
r = coord4(cdata, k, h-1-j, 0);
g = coord4(cdata, k, h-1-j, 1);
b = coord4(cdata, k, h-1-j, 2);
a = coord4(cdata, k, h-1-j, 3);
ndata[4*(j*w+k)] = r;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+1] = g;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+2] = b;
ndata[4*(j*w+k)+3] = a;
char buf[512];
sprintf(buf, "%d\n", p.info.tgaColourType);
// MessageBox(NULL, buf, NULL, 0);
gluBuild2DMipmaps ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, p.info.tgaColourType, p.info.width,
p.info.height, p.info.tgaColourType, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ndata );
if (alpha)
*alpha = true;
} else {
MessageBox (NULL, "Unknown texture type", "Error", 0);
return false;
return true;
bool RSM_Mesh::Load(FILE *fp, GLuint *all_textures, bool *all_alphatex, bool main)
int i;
char buffer[1024];
int *surfnum;
FILE *fout;
//Get the name of this mesh
fread (name, sizeof(ro_string_t), 1, fp);
if (main)
fread (&todo, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fread (parent_name, sizeof(ro_string_t), 1, fp);
if (main)
fread (ftodo, sizeof(float), 10, fp);
fread (&ntextures, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
textures = new GLuint[ntextures];
alphatex = new bool[ntextures];
which = new int[ntextures];
for (i = 0; i < ntextures; i++) {
int n;
fread (&n, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
which[i] = n;
textures[i] = all_textures[n];
alphatex[i] = all_alphatex[i];
fread (&transf, sizeof(ro_transf_t), 1, fp);
fread (&npos_vtx, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
pos_vtx = new ro_vertex_t[npos_vtx];
fread (pos_vtx, sizeof(ro_vertex_t), npos_vtx, fp);
fread (&ntex_vtx, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
tex_vtx = new ro_vertex_t[ntex_vtx];
fread(tex_vtx, sizeof(ro_vertex_t), ntex_vtx, fp);
fread(&nall_faces, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
all_faces = new ro_face_t[nall_faces];
fread (all_faces, sizeof(ro_face_t), nall_faces, fp);
if (file_status(fp) != 2) {
return true;
fread (&nframes, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
frames = new ro_frame_t[nframes];
fread (frames, sizeof(ro_frame_t), nframes, fp);
return true;
void RSM_Mesh::BoundingBox(ro_transf_t *ptransf)
int main = (ptransf == NULL);
GLfloat Rot[16];
GLfloat *Transf;
int i;
int j;
int k;
GLfloat pmax[3], pmin[3];
Rot[0] = transf.todo[0];
Rot[1] = transf.todo[1];
Rot[2] = transf.todo[2];
Rot[3] = 0.0;
Rot[4] = transf.todo[3];
Rot[5] = transf.todo[4];
Rot[6] = transf.todo[5];
Rot[7] = 0.0;
Rot[8] = transf.todo[6];
Rot[9] = transf.todo[7];
Rot[10] = transf.todo[8];
Rot[11] = 0.0;
Rot[12] = 0.0;
Rot[13] = 0.0;
Rot[14] = 0.0;
Rot[15] = 1.0;
max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = -999999.0;
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 999999.0;
for (i = 0; i < npos_vtx; i++) {
GLfloat vtemp[3], vout[3];
MatrixMultVect(Rot, pos_vtx[i], vout);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
GLfloat f;
if (!only)
f = vout[j]+transf.todo[12+j]+transf.todo[9+j];
f = vout[j];
min[j] = MIN(f, min[j]);
max[j] = MAX(f, max[j]);
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
range[j] = (max[j]+min[j])/2.0;