Complete newbie here so I apologise in advance if I make any mistakes or ask really dumb questions...
I'm attempting to rip the audio from this game but am not having any luck so far. I've tried using a piece of software called MFAUDIO but, from what I can tell, I need to enter exact settings for Frequency, Samples, Channels, Interleave + Offset - and it's a matter of guesswork as to what these settings are as they're different for every game...
Does anyone know if there's a giant list somewhere that has all these figures for each game? Or if there's another piece of software I could use that can make the task easier?
Use this QuickBMS script to extract the contents of the .ARK archives. The audio all seems to be in the .bd/.hd files, so you can use something like VGMTrans on those to get the proper audio.
Nope, I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Can someone help explain what I need to do in VGMTrans? I can open the .hd and .bd files in it and it's coming up with Sample Collections and Instrument Sets, but I can't see how you convert or export to a different format...
I couldn't get VGMTrans to work properly either, so I've done this script to extract them instead. It works on the few HD/BD files I've tested, so should work for any others. Use the HD file as the input for the script.
Ok...... I've now extracted a huge number of .VAG files from the .HD files - and have converted a few to WAV files. But, they just sound like individual loops, beats, etc - not actual songs. Do I need to run them through something else to put the songs together or something?
(again, please forgive my ignorance, this isn't something I usually do...)
Maybe you can try ask around in HCS forum: Give them the sample files too don't forget (the BD and HD as well the MIDI files).