Attack on titan (text)

How to translate the files of a game
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm

Attack on titan (text)

Post by yusuf2020 »

Is there a way to edit these ?
Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:07 pm

Re: Attack on titan (text)

Post by gameside »

yusuf2020 wrote:Is there a way to edit these ?

here 2 script I created for export and import text for your file
before start anything test it
For Export

Code: Select all

get text_num long
get NAME basename
STRING NAME + ".txt"
for i = 0 < text_num
   get OFFSET long
   get SIZE long
   math SIZE - 1
next i

For Import

Code: Select all

open FDDE "dat" 1
get text_num long 1
math OFFSET_ADD = 0
for i = 0 < text_num
   savepos befor_check 1
   get OFFSET long 1
   if OFFSET != nex_offset
      if SIZE < new_size
         xmath OSIZE "new_size - SIZE"
         math OFFSET_ADD + OSIZE
      elif SIZE > new_size
         xmath OSIZE "SIZE - new_size"
         math OFFSET_ADD - OSIZE
   get SIZE long 1
   get Tline line
   goto OFFSET 1
   savepos offset_new 1
   PutCT Tline string -1 1
   put 0x00 byte 1
   savepos nex_offset 1
   xmath new_size "nex_offset - OFFSET"
   goto befor_check 1
   put offset_new long 1
   put new_size long 1
next i

Export your dat file with Export script
For Import text back you need to run Import script with -w (for enable the write mode) commend in QuickBMS and select txt file (its overwrite original dat file)
If you don't know how to do it, use this bat file for import:

Code: Select all

quickbms.exe -G -w
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:12 pm

Re: Attack on titan (text)

Post by yusuf2020 »

Now, I will try to import this to bin file back.